What You Need to Grow Onion

Onions and garlic are members of the Allium family, which is known for producing pungent roots and bulbs. These plants are grown for their strong flavours. Both onions and garlic can be grown in containers but may need frequent thinning to prevent them from overgrowing the pot unless you want to harvest multiple bulbs from each plant! However, different growing conditions will result in different flavours or storage times. Both onion types are long-day plants, which means they do better with longer daylight hours in summer. Try these tips to get the biggest, most flavorful crop from your indoor onion or garlic garden this season.

What You'll Need

There are some basic items that you will need for growing onions or garlic in containers. You will of course need containers to grow your onions or garlic in. You can choose any type of container that you like but make sure that it has holes in the bottom for drainage. You will also need potting soil or soil that you can add fertilizer to as well as some kind of fertilizer. You will also need some containers to water your plants with and you will need something to help you keep your containers weed free. If you are growing onions you will need to decide if you want to grow red onions or yellow onions. If you are growing garlic you will want to decide if you want it to be hard-necked or soft-necked. You will also want to decide how many onions or garlic you want to grow in each container. You will want to make sure each container has enough room for the growth of the plants as well as room for the harvest as well.

Garlic Container Garden

Garlic is usually grown in a container, but you can also grow it in the ground. Ideally, you would plant garlic cloves in early fall, and harvest the bulbs in the late spring. Planting garlic earlier means harvesting later, but you'll have more time to cure and store the bulbs. When it comes to container gardening, the bigger the better. A five-gallon container will yield more than a one-gallon container. Just remember to add plenty of organic material to the soil to keep it loose and aerated. The soil should be light and slightly acidic, so if it is too heavy or alkaline, you can amend it. While you can start garlic from seed, it takes a long time to mature. Opt for cloves instead; they're easy to find and inexpensive. You can plant one large head of garlic per container, or six to eight small heads. If you want to harvest some heads early, make sure to leave enough space between each clove so they don't grow together.

Onion Container Garden

Onions can be grown as a pot plant or in the ground. Container growing is great for people who don't have a lot of space for growing their garden. They can be grown on a balcony, a patio, or even indoors. Pot-grown onions are usually harvested at the end of the season, but you can extend their life of them a bit longer by keeping them indoors during the winter. It is recommended that you start growing your onions indoors in the spring once the weather is a bit warmer and they can be set outside once the weather is warm enough. When choosing a container for your onions, opt for a slightly larger container so the soil will stay loose and allow the roots to grow freely. A good rule of thumb is to select a pot that's at least as wide as the bulb's diameter. You can also use a deep container like a bucket to grow a single large onion. All you need to grow onions from seed is a container, soil, fertilizer, and the onions themselves. Choose potting soil that is porous and lightweight so it doesn't weigh down the containers. If you want to start with organic fertilizer, you can use chicken manure or composted cow manure.

Soil and Potting Mix

The soil you use for growing your onions or garlic will depend on the type of onion or garlic that you are growing. If you are growing hard-necked garlic then you want to grow them in loam soil that is rich in organic matter, has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, and has been well-drained. If you are growing soft-necked garlic, you want to grow them in loamy soil that drains well, has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, and has been enriched with plenty of organic material. For growing onions, you want to make sure that the soil has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, has plenty of organic matter, and has been well-drained. It is recommended that you add plenty of organic material to the soil such as compost or manure. If you are growing your onions or garlic in a pot, you can use regular potting soil as long as it is light and porous. Adding some organic material to the soil will help to keep the soil loose and aerated. It is recommended that you plant your onion or garlic bulbs in the mid-section of the container with the bulb facing upwards.

Planting Your Onion or Garlic Container Garden

When you are planting your onion or garlic container garden, you want to make sure that you plant them at the same depth as they were growing in the pots or seeds. When planting your onions or garlic, make sure that you leave plenty of space between each bulb or seedling. If you are growing garlic, make sure that you leave enough room between each head so that each head has enough room to fully mature. It is recommended that you water your container garden with water that has been enriched with fertilizer. It is also recommended that you water them with fertilizer water. When planting your onions or garlic, make sure that the soil is loose enough for them to grow freely. It is also recommended that you add plenty of organic material to the soil such as compost or manure to help keep it loose and aerated.

Care and Maintenance for Onions and Garlic

When growing your onions or garlic, you want to make sure that you are feeding them with the right fertilizer. When growing hard-necked garlic it is recommended that you feed them with a balanced fertilizer. When growing soft-necked garlic, it is recommended that you feed them with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. If you are growing red onions, it is recommended that you feed them with a high-phosphorous fertilizer. For growing garlic, it is recommended that you feed them with a fertilizer with a 10-10-10 ratio. When growing red onions, it is recommended that you feed them with a fertilizer with a 10-10-20 ratio. It is important to make sure that your onions and garlic are watered regularly. If you notice that your onions or garlic are wilting, it is a sign that they are either not getting enough water or not having enough nutrients in the soil. Harvesting and Storing Your Vegetable Garden. When harvesting your onions or garlic, make sure that you harvest them when they are fully mature. To do this, you can pull up the whole plant and then carefully remove the bulbs or you can carefully pull the bulbs apart. When harvesting your onions or garlic, make sure that you dry them in the sun for a few hours before storing them in a cool, dry place.


Onions and garlic are both very easy to grow in containers, making them perfect for anyone who has limited space. Whether you're growing garlic or onions, they'll need lots of sunlight, loose soil that is rich in organic matter, fertilizer, and plenty of water. Choosing the right container, soil, fertilizer, and planting location will help you grow big, juicy bulbs that are sure to entice anyone who smells them.