What to know about Lemon Fruit Trees

Lemons are sweet, tart and packed with vitamin C. They’re also easy to grow. Lemon trees are fairly small and compact and don’t take much maintenance once established. In fact, you might even have the perfect spot in your yard for growing lemon trees right now!Even if you don’t, there are lots of great options for adding a lemon tree to your home garden. Here are some ideas for planting a lemon tree in your own backyard this spring.

What to know before buying a lemon tree

Before you buy a lemon tree, you’ll need to figure out which type you want to grow. There are different types of lemon trees and they’re not all suitable for container gardening. You’ll also want to know the growing conditions for the type of lemon you want before you start shopping. There are two basic types of lemons: Eureka and Lisbon. Eureka lemons are the type you’re most likely to find at the grocery store. Lisbon lemons are generally smaller, rounder and have thicker skin than Eureka lemons. You’ll also want to know the climate zone where you live. Lemon trees are tropical plants and need warm temperatures to grow. The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map can help you determine which type of lemon tree is right for your climate. Depending on which type of lemon you choose, the growing conditions and amount of sunlight needed will vary.

Where to buy a lemon tree

You can order one online if you can’t find a lemon tree at your local garden center. Make sure you’re buying from a reputable source with a good track record, especially if you’re buying a mature tree. You’ll want to make sure you’re ordering a lemon tree that’s been hardened off and is ready to be planted outdoors. If you’re buying a young lemon tree, steer clear of nurseries that sell indoor plants and gardening shops. Choose a nursery that specializes in citrus fruits, or order your tree from a reputable online nursery.

How to plant a lemon tree

Different types of lemon trees can be planted in a variety of ways. Depending on the type of tree you’re growing, you might have to do some soil modification first. If you have heavy clay soil, for example, you’ll want to add organic matter to improve the drainage. Once your soil is ready, you can plant your lemon tree. Choose a spot in your yard that gets plenty of sunlight and has good drainage. If you have heavy clay soil, you may want to plant your lemon tree in a container. Lemons don’t like wet feet, so drainage is important. For container gardening: Choose a container that’s at least 12 inches deep. Choose a potting soil that’s light, sandy and well-draining. You’ll want to add a little bit of fertilizer to the mix, but not too much. Lemons don’t like too much nitrogen. For a garden bed: If you want to grow your lemon tree in the ground, you’ll want to dig a hole about twice as wide as the pot or container your lemon tree is growing in and about the same depth. Make sure the hole is big enough for your tree to grow into a mature plant. For a raised bed: If you want to create a special bed just for your lemon tree, a raised bed is a great option.

Tips for growing lemon trees

With the exception of a few types of lemons, all varieties need lots of sunlight to grow well. - Water deeply and infrequently Watering deeply and infrequently means watering your lemon tree enough so that the soil remains moist but not soggy. Adding organic matter to the soil, such as compost or mulch, will enrich it and help your lemon tree grow better. - Provide some nutrients. While you don’t want to add too much nitrogen, a little bit will help your lemon tree get established.

5 Small Lemons that are Easy to Grow

Meyer lemon, this hybrid lemon is easy to grow. It’s not as prolific as other varieties, but the fruit is sweeter and milder than regular lemons. Mexican lime, this is a small lime tree that produces lots of fruit. It’s a good choice if you’re looking to grow a lot of limes. Eureka lemon, Eureka lemons produce lots of fruit and their leaves are less fragrant than other varieties. This is a good choice if you have nosy neighbors. Italian lemon, this variety of lemon produces lots of fruit and the leaves are less pungent than other types.


Lemons are easy to grow and produce lots of sweet, tangy fruits. If you’re looking for an easy way to add some vitamin C to your diet, lemon trees are a great choice. Before you buy a lemon tree, make sure you know the type you want to grow and the growing conditions of each type. Once you have your lemon tree, you’ll need to plant it in a sunny location and water it properly. With the right care, you’ll have plenty of lemons to use in baking, beverages and more.