Striking Bromeliads for Living Walls Gardens

If you enjoy working with plants, living walls are the perfect place for you. Living walls are a popular addition to buildings that want to add greenery into their architecture. These vertical gardens offer many benefits and can be made from almost any plant type. However, there are some plants that work particularly well as part of a living wall due to their size, coloration, and ease of care. Different types of bromeliads make great additions to a living wall thanks to their small size, ease of care, and striking appearance. Let’s take a look at why bromeliads are so beneficial in living walls and how you can use them in your next project.

What is a Living Wall?

A living wall is a type of vertical garden that uses plants to create a privacy screen or enhance the aesthetics of an indoor space. A living wall is also referred to as a green wall, wall garden, or wall planter. These types of vertical gardens have been around since the 1930s and have since become increasingly popular. There are many benefits to using living walls in a space, including reduced noise, improved air quality, and a boost in productivity for employees. Living walls are great for aesthetic purposes as well, creating an organic and natural look to indoor spaces. They can be used in offices, hotels, restaurants, and retail stores.

Why use Bromeliads in Living Walls?

There are a few reasons why bromeliads are such a popular choice when it comes to living walls. Firstly, their small size makes them easy to work with in a living wall. The majority of bromeliad varieties only grow to be a few inches tall, making them easy to fit into a vertical garden. Because of their small size, bromeliads are also easy to maintain and won’t take up too much of your time. Bromeliads are extremely easy to care for, making them a good choice for beginners. You can just sit back and let them grow in their living wall pot and enjoy the natural beauty they add. Although bromeliads require a little bit of upkeep, their care is easy enough for even beginners to maintain. Bromeliads also add a unique and colorful addition to living walls. There are many varieties of bromeliads, each with its own colors and patterns. You can select from a wide variety of bromeliad types to create an interesting and appealing living wall that benefits both you and your indoor space.

How to Select Bromeliads for a Living Wall?

You don’t need to worry about selecting the wrong bromeliad variety to use in your living wall. Bromeliads are easy to care for and can thrive in most conditions. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a bromeliad variety to use in your living wall. If you are growing your living wall indoors, be careful about which variety you select. Some bromeliad varieties have beautiful flowers and colors, but are not safe for indoor growing. Make sure that the bromeliad variety you select can thrive in a living wall indoors. When selecting bromeliad varieties for your living wall, you also need to think about their color. A living wall is meant to be a visually appealing addition to any indoor space, so you want it to look good. Since bromeliads come in a variety of colors, you can easily select a type that will look great in your living wall.

Care and Maintenance of Bromeliads in Living Walls

Most bromeliads are virtually care free and maintenance free. They don’t need to be repotted, fertilized, or watered frequently. This natural care makes bromeliads a perfect addition to a living wall. You don’t have to worry about keeping up with your living wall and it will look great, even with minimal maintenance. That being said, there are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your living wall bromeliads. First and foremost, make sure your living wall pot has good drainage. You don’t want your bromeliads to rot or get sick because of standing water in the pot. You also want to make sure your bromeliads get enough sunlight. While bromeliads are easy to care for and don’t need frequent watering, they still need sun to thrive. Make sure your living wall gets enough sunlight throughout the day so that your bromeliads can grow.


Bromeliads make excellent additions to living walls thanks to their vibrant colors, small size, and ease of care. They can survive in almost any environment and don’t require frequent maintenance, making them a great choice for beginners and even expert gardeners. There are many varieties of bromeliads, each with their own unique colors and patterns. So, you can select a type that looks great in your living wall and will benefit both you and your indoor space.