Staying Close to a Water Source

Water is essential to a green and healthy garden. Plants need water to grow and thrive, especially when conditions are dry. However, too much water can be just as harmful to your plants as not enough water. Water stress happens when plants can no longer take up water from their roots or release it into the atmosphere through their leaves (transpiration). This results in a decrease in plant performance and accelerated leaf senescence. The negative effects of drought are even more evident on arid soils where there isn’t enough moisture from natural rainfall to support vegetation. We all know that plants need water to survive, but exactly how much? Different plants have different watering needs, so you should check with the nursery where you buy them, or search online for specific information about each type of plant you plan to grow. You’ll also want to learn about the best practices for keeping them hydrated. There are many ways you can make sure your plants stay happy and healthy with the right amount of water.

Make Sure your Soil has the Right Amount of Moisture before Watering.

If you water soil that already has plenty of moisture in it, you run the risk of introducing too much salt into the soil, which can damage or even kill your plants. On the other hand, soil that is too dry will damage plant roots and stunt growth. If you don’t know how wet your soil should be, get a soil test to find out. You can also stick your finger into the soil to see if it feels moist. A general rule of thumb is you should wait until the top six inches of soil feels dry to the touch before watering your plants.

Use a Moisture Meter to be Sure.

If you’re worried about overwatering your plants, or you have soil that runs the risk of becoming too saline, you can use a moisture meter to test the soil’s moisture level. These useful little tools come in many different shapes and sizes, so you can choose one that best fits your gardening needs. Some are even wireless and can be attached to your smartphone. After you use the moisture meter to determine the soil’s moisture level, you can add water by hand or set up a drip irrigation system to water your plants automatically.

Set up a Drip Irrigation System.

Drip irrigation is an efficient and water-wise way to water your garden. There are a variety of different drip irrigation systems you can choose from depending on the size of your garden. For example, you can use a soaker hose for a small garden bed, or set up a sprinkler system for a larger garden. Drip irrigation systems can be set up above or below ground. You can also find drip irrigation kits that allow you to customize your system and easily set it up in any garden bed. These systems come with an irrigation timer that can be set to water your plants at the optimal time each day.

Water deeply and less frequently.

Evenly distribute the water you give your plants throughout the entire root system by watering deeply and less frequently. A good rule of thumb is to water your plants so that the soil at the root level is moist enough to form a tiny puddle. A shallow watering method is best for newly installed plants. A sprinkler or another overhead watering method will help the soil in the planting bed to settle and create an optimal environment for the roots of your newly installed plants to get established. But once the roots have begun to grow, you’ll want to gradually switch to a deep watering method that penetrates the soil to provide water to the root system.

Install a Rain Barrel to Capture Rainwater.

If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, you can set up a rain barrel to store rainwater for your garden. There are many different styles of rain barrels, but most include a rain catchment container, a water diversion device, and a spigot. You can use the water in the rain barrel to water your plants and garden, or you can also use it to flush toilets and clean outdoor surfaces like walkways and driveways. Capturing and using rainwater is a great way to water your plants without having to rely on municipal water. It also helps you reduce your carbon footprint by using renewable resources. Rainwater is especially good for plants because it doesn’t have any salts in it that are often found in municipal water sources. It’s best to use the water from a rain barrel within a few days to prevent bacterial growth.

Watch for These Signs that you’re giving your Plants too Much Water.

If your plants are wilting even though the soil is moist, you may be giving them too much water. Plants that are being overwatered will show signs of stress. You may see wilting, drooping leaves and roots that are growing in the direction of the water source. If you notice any of these symptoms, you can break the cycle by reducing the water you are giving your plants. To help your plants recover, you can let them sit in a dry environment without water for a few days. Once their root system has dried out, you can resume a normal watering schedule. If these signs are ignored, over-watered plants can die. So make sure you are giving your plants just the right amount of water.


Water is essential for healthy plants, but too much water can be harmful. To prevent drowning your plants, make sure the soil is moist enough that a puddle forms at the root level. You can also use a moisture meter to test the soil’s moisture level. If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, you can set up a rain barrel to store rainwater for your garden.