Repel Pests with Garlic Insecticide Spray

If you’ve ever grown garlic in your garden, you know that a creature as small and insignificant-looking as the winged aphid can devastate your plants. The good news is that it is possible to use natural remedies to control these pests without using synthetic or hazardous chemicals. The best way to protect the garlic from aphids is to plant them in a location where they’re less likely to attract these destructive insects. However, if creepy crawlers appear anyway, you can fend them off with homemade garlic spray insecticide. This will not only keep them from damaging your plants but also repel them so they won’t return again this season. Read on to learn more about the benefits of this useful home remedy and how to make it.

What are Winged Aphids?

Aphids are soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects that can turn your lush garden into a wasteland of wilted and sickly plants in no time. They are most commonly found on the undersides of leaves and can be yellow, black, grey, or green in colour. They have sucking mouths and feed on the sap inside the plant. In large quantities, this can cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off, and the plant can die. Winged aphids are larger than their flightless cousins and have the ability to fly to new plants in order to reproduce and spread their seeds. They can be an extremely destructive force in the garden.

Why Plant Garlic to Repel Pests?

Garlic has many uses, including repelling pests whenever its scent is detected. A few garlic cloves can help keep almost all types of pests away from your garden. There are a lot of plants that pests won’t go near, but garlic happens to be one of them. You can also use this potent herb to keep slugs and snails from eating your plants. Aphids, mosquitoes, ants, flies, squash bugs, and squash vine borers are but a few of the pests that will stay away from garlic. It’s easy to grow, too! Simply plant it in the ground or in containers and let it grow until it flowers. There are a few varieties that are resistant to certain pests, so consider that when you’re choosing a type.

How to Make a Garlic Spray for Gardening

Ingredients, 1/2 cup fresh garlic, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup orange juice. Instruction, put the garlic cloves and orange juice in a blender, and blends them until they’re finely chopped. Then, put the rest of the ingredients in the blender and blend again until they’re thoroughly combined. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray your plants, particularly the undersides of the leaves. You can use this recipe on its own or with other herbs and essential oils to create a custom spray that’s right for your garden.

The Benefits of Using Natural Repels

Using natural repellents to keep pests out of your garden is the most effective way to go. There are many commercial insecticides and pesticides that can be harmful to humans, animals, and the environment as a whole. There are two main types of natural repels. Repellents and deterrents. Repellents keep pests away from your plants by smelling or tasting bad to them. Deterrents stop pests from being able to damage your plants. Repelling pests with natural solutions rather than pesticides is not only a safer method of controlling insect damage, but it is also more affordable. You can create homemade repellents and deterrents for pennies on the dollar compared to the cost of commercial products.

Pure Boric Acid Spray

This spray can be used to kill aphids, spider mites, ants, and more. It works best on small insects. Ingredients, 1/2 cup warm water, 1/2 cup boric acid powder, 1/2 teaspoon dish soap 1/2 teaspoon peppermint essential oil. Instructions put all of your ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well to combine. Spray your plants thoroughly, being sure to get the undersides of the leaves. Boric acid is toxic to many different species of insects, including aphids, thrips, and whiteflies. The peppermint oil is there to mask the strong scent of the boric acid and make the spray more pleasant to humans as well as pests.


If you’re growing garlic in your garden, you should know that it can be used as a natural repellent against aphids and other pests. It’s best to plant garlic away from the rest of your crops because it can repel beneficial insects, too. To protect your plants, make a garlic spray insecticide using fresh garlic cloves, water, rubbing alcohol, and orange juice. Put these ingredients in a blender, blend until finely chopped, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the plants with this solution, particularly the undersides of the leaves, to keep aphids out of your garden. Keep in mind that different plants require different protection methods. For example, peppers are more sensitive to certain chemicals than tomatoes are, so you’ll want to be more careful with how much and how often you spray. With diligence, however, you can keep pests away from your garden with natural remedies.