Nutrient Film Technology for Indoor Planting

Hydroponics is a type of growing that uses water as the nutrient-rich growing medium instead of soil. It is commonly used for indoor gardening because it requires less space, has easy maintenance and can be done all year round. In hydroponics, plants are not fed with artificial fertilizers like in soil cultivation but with mineral solutions in the form of water. However, the problem here is that mineral elements dissolve poorly in water. This means that your plants will not get the correct amounts of minerals. You could supply them in another way: Instead of adding minerals to the water, you add water to the minerals! This article introduces you to a new type of hydroponic system called ‘Nutrient Film Technique’ (NFT) which combines both subirrigation and aeroponics. Let’s learn more about this cutting-edge method and how it can help you grow healthier plants faster.

What is Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)?

NFT is a hydroponic system in which you grow plants in a shallow stream of water, with the roots hanging into the water. The roots are kept aerated by the continuous flow of water, and the plants are supplied with nutrients by the same water. The roots of the plants are not completely submerged in the water, but are kept above the water line. The roots are kept in a thin film of water, hence the name ‘Nutrient Film Technique’. The roots are allowed to hang in the water, and receive their oxygen from the water flow. Using NFT, you can get almost the same yield as you would in soil cultivation. NFT is a very efficient hydroponic technique, because you don’t have to change the water as often as you would have to do in other hydroponic systems. The continuous water flow prevents the formation of anaerobic conditions, and the minerals in the water get dissolved with the help of an efficient nutrient film.

Why use NFT for Indoor Gardening?

NFT is an optimal hydroponic growing system, because the roots are not completely submerged in the water. The roots remain in a thin film of water, where they get oxygen from the water flow. The roots do not have to try to breathe under water, as in other hydroponic systems. So, if you use NFT for indoor gardening, your plants will grow faster and stronger. The roots of your plants will be healthy, and they will have the best chance of absorbing nutrients. The plants will use less nutrients, and will give a higher yield. Your plants will grow in a pH that is optimal for their growth.

Nutrient Film Technique for Hydroponics

Let’s find out more about the nutrients that are essential for the growth of your plants. Carbon dioxide, oxygen and water are elements which your plants breathe. However, they need more than just that. Nutrients are chemical elements that help plants grow and thrive. Nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; calcium, sulfur, iron and manganese; and magnesium, copper and zinc. You get these nutrients from the soil or from hydroponics. There are different hydroponic systems, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The NFT system is the most efficient hydroponic technique. It is simple to set up, and you can also scale it up or down to meet your needs. NFT is also suitable for a wide variety of plants.

How to set up a NFT System for Indoor Gardening?

There are different ways to set up an NFT system for indoor gardening, but the most common one is to use a vertical flow grow bed. You can also use a horizontal flow grow bed, or a combination of the two. The vertical flow grow bed is a rigid structure with a depth of around 30 cm. The flow of water is continuous, and it goes from a feed pump to the grow bed, down through the plant roots, and out again. The water goes through several filtration stages, and the nutrients are added at the right time.

Pros of using a NFT System for Indoor Gardening

The roots of your plants will be healthy and they will have the best chance of absorbing nutrients. The plants will use less nutrients, and will give a higher yield. Your plants will grow in a pH that is optimal for their growth. A NFT system is low maintenance, because you don’t have to change the water as often as you would have to do in other hydroponic systems. The continuous water flow prevents the formation of anaerobic conditions, and the minerals in the water get dissolved with the help of an efficient nutrient film. Nutrient Film Technique is low cost, because the costs of electricity and feed solution are lower than in other hydroponic systems. The plants don’t need as much energy as in other systems, and the nutrients are dissolved in the water. NFT is ideal for a wide variety of plants, including vegetables, flowers, herbs, strawberries and many more.

Cons of using a NFT System for Indoor Gardening

The plants get the correct amounts of minerals with the help of an efficient nutrient film. However, the water may become slightly salted. This is a small drawback, because you can use a water treatment system. The space requirement for a NFT system is larger than in other hydroponic systems. However, it is a small price to pay for the many advantages.

Is NFT worth Trying?

If you want to grow your plants in an optimal environment, you should use a NFT system. It is efficient, low cost, and it has low maintenance. NFT is suitable for a wide variety of plants, and you can easily scale it up or down to meet your needs. So, if you want to grow faster, stronger and healthier plants, you should try using a NFT system.