Maintaining Strawberry Bushes and Plants

Are you looking for local strawberries in your garden. Strawberries grow easily and abundantly in gardens. They are especially happy in sunny spots, but will also thrive under an overcast sky. If you’re thinking of planting a strawberry garden and want to know what kind of strawberry plants will be most suitable for your plot, read on? If you want to grow strawberries for the first time, it is best to start with a few plants so that you have something to harvest by mid-summer or early fall. If you prefer growing your fruits, veggies and herbs instead of buying them from the market, they can be planted almost anywhere in your garden or backyard.

Which Strawberry Bushes to Plant?

The first thing to do is to decide which strawberry plants to plant. Although there are many different types of strawberry plants to choose from, the most popular varieties used for growing strawberries in gardens are, Alpine strawberries: These are smaller, wild strawberry plants that are hardy and easy to grow. They do not require much care and are often used as groundcovers. June-bearing strawberries are the most common type of strawberry plant. They produce large bunches of tasty fruit for about two weeks every June, followed by about three weeks of harvest in early fall. Everbearing strawberries produce a small harvest of berries for about six weeks in the early summer and about two weeks in the fall. Alpine or wild strawberries are everbearing plants that need less attention and are ideal for beginners.

Growing Conditions for Strawberries

Before deciding which strawberry plants to grow, you should learn about the growing conditions that are best for these plants. Knowing which soil, sunlight, and water conditions your strawberries will thrive in will help you pick the right ones. When planting your strawberry plants, choose a site that has soil with good drainage. If you have heavy clay soil, it is a good idea to dig a hole and add some sand to improve drainage. Strawberries do not grow well in wet soil, so you want to avoid planting them in areas that stay wet or are often irrigated. Strawberries do best in full sun. If you have an area that only gets a few hours of sunlight per day, you can still try growing them, but you’ll need to provide supplemental light to help them grow. This can be done by placing grow lights above the plants and increasing the hours of light. How much water your strawberry plants need varies with the climate, soil type, and type of strawberry plant. Generally, you will want to plant your strawberries in an area that does not have standing water.

How to Grow Strawberries from Seeds

If you want to start your strawberry plants from seeds, it’s best to wait until the ground has fully warmed up in the spring. Most seed packets will tell you when to plant them, but usually, this will be when the last frost has passed. Once you’ve picked out your strawberry seeds, get your garden beds ready, and then sprinkle the seeds on the soil surface. Gently cover them with soil and water the area, if necessary. If you want to speed up the process, you can also plant the seeds indoors in pots or containers. It’s best to keep the smaller plants indoors until the soil in your garden has warmed up. If you want to start your strawberries from seeds indoors, you can do this anytime between November and February, but the best time is February or March. Simply sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil and gently cover them up. Keep the soil moist and wait for the plants to sprout. When they are about 2-3 inches tall, you can place the containers on a windowsill or under artificial light.

Care and Maintenance for your Strawberry Bushes

Once your strawberry plants have grown and produced fruit, you will want to care for them throughout the growing season. This will help them stay healthy and produce more delicious strawberries within a few years. To help your strawberry plants grow big and strong, you’ll want to fertilize them throughout the season. In the early spring and again in the early summer, you can add a balanced fertilizer to the soil at a rate of about 5-10 pounds per 100 square feet. One important thing to do while your strawberry plants are growing is to keep the weeds out. Weeds can steal nutrients and water from your strawberry plants, so it’s best to pull them when you see them sprouting up. Like watering your soil, the amount of water your strawberry plants need will depend on the weather. If the soil feels dry about an inch below the surface, then you can water it. If it feels moist, then you can let it go another week or two until it needs to be watered again.

Tips for Growing Local Strawberries

If you’ve been growing strawberries from seeds and want to know how to grow local strawberries, you’re almost there! Growing local strawberries is easy if you keep a few things in mind. Local strawberries do best if you plant them in a sunny area that has well-drained soil. Shade-loving plants do not fare well if you try to grow them in a sunny spot. If you want to grow your strawberries that are different from the ones you can buy in the store, select a variety specific to your area. You can grow your strawberries in the ground or on a raised bed. If you’re growing a variety that produces a large amount of fruit, a raised bed may be a better option since it will make the plants easier to get to.


Strawberries are delicious, easy to grow, and can be found in many varieties. If you want to start growing your strawberries, there are many plants to choose from. Choose a sunny spot with good drainage and well-draining soil, and you’ll be harvesting delicious berries in no time! If you want to grow some of your food and also want to include some fresh strawberries on your menu, you can easily grow them at home. Knowing which soil, sunlight, and water conditions your strawberries will thrive in will help you pick the right ones.