How to Make Your Own Homemade Butterfly Food

In their natural habitat, butterflies must eat certain plants to supply them with the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly. Those same nutrients must also be provided in captivity to keep your butterfly healthy. While there are commercial foods available for purchase, many of these products may not be safe for your particular species of butterfly or you may wish to provide a more natural diet to support breeding efforts. Making your own homemade butterfly food is an excellent way to meet both needs while still providing the nutrition with your butterfly needs.

What to feed your Butterfly

You must ensure you are providing the proper nutrients to your butterfly so that it may grow and develop properly. Since it is not possible to know the exact nutritional requirements of each species, it is important to provide a diet that covers the most common needs. Some of the nutrients butterflies require are amino acids, lipids, minerals, vitamins, and water. Amino acids are responsible for the health of your butterfly’s immune system, metabolism, and the development and repair of its tissues. Lipids are what give your butterfly larvae the energy needed to break out of their cocoons and develop into healthy butterflies. Minerals aid in the formation of the butterfly’s exoskeleton, are responsible for nerve function and assist with the absorption of vitamins. Vitamins are crucial to the development of your butterfly from one stage of life to the next. They also assist with the regulation of metabolic functions and help with the absorption of minerals. They are necessary for a butterfly’s growth and development, including the production of enzymes that break down food.

Which Plants make good Butterfly Food?

There are many different plants that both larvae and adult butterflies can eat. Some are easy to grow and can be cultivated in pots or even indoors. Others are native plants that butterflies would normally find in their natural habitat. Before choosing a plant to feed your butterflies, you’ll want to make sure it is not poisonous to them either when eaten as an adult or when eaten by caterpillars. If in doubt, consult an expert or look it up online. The following is a list of some plants that are safe to feed your butterflies. Butterfly Bush - This shrub is commonly used to feed caterpillars due to its high protein and low fibre content. It is also easy to grow and can be cultivated in pots. Coneflower This is an excellent source of nectar can be grown indoors and is very easy to maintain. Coreopsis this flower is known for being extremely nutritious and is often used for rearing butterflies. Dill is a popular herb that is great for feeding both adult butterflies and their caterpillars. Fennel this plant is a source of nectar and pollen, making it a great choice for both larvae and adult butterflies.

Growing your Own Nectar

Nectar is a very important part of a butterfly’s diet, with some species feeding primarily on it as adults. It can also be provided to caterpillars as a substitute for protein. While there are a number of flowers that can be used to provide nectar, it is best to grow your own if possible. Growing your own nectar is easy and inexpensive, and you can easily cultivate it in pots or indoors. You can use plants that are native to your area since they will attract the right species of butterflies. Some popular nectar plants include coreopsis, dill, and passion vines. If you have a large garden, you can also grow nectar plants like sweet clover and purple vetch.

Growing your Own Pollen

Pollen is the male reproductive cells that are produced by plants. It is usually yellow or orange and can easily be seen on flowers. It is commonly used by butterflies to provide their larvae with the nutrients they need to grow and develop. While pollen can be purchased, it is often synthetic and does not provide the same nutrients as pollen collected from the particular species of plant it is meant for. Growing your own pollen can be an excellent way to provide your butterflies with the nutrients they need while also supporting pollination efforts. Butterflies often choose plants to feed on based on their colour, making the yellow or orange colour of pollen attractive to them. To grow pollen, you will need to choose plants that are known for being rich in pollen. Some common plants used for growing pollen are sunflowers, buckwheat, and caraway. Before growing pollen, you must decide if you want to collect pollen from the flowers or use the plant itself. Not all plants produce pollen on their flowers, so you may need to use the stalks.

How to Dry and Grind your Own Pollen

After harvesting your pollen, you will need to dry it. You can do this by placing the flowers on a paper towel and leaving them out in a dry place with little light, such as a garage. Once dry, you can store the pollen in a paper bag. If you plan on using it that same year, you can store it in the fridge. Otherwise, you can store it in a dark, cool place away from moisture. It can be ground after harvesting or dried. You can grind pollen in a blender or with a pestle and mortar.


Butterflies need specific nutrients in order to grow and develop properly. While commercial food is available, it does not provide the same nutrients as naturally growing plants. Growing your own plants for feeding butterflies is easy, inexpensive, and provides the right nutrients. You can also grow nectar and pollen, as well as cultivate it indoors if you live in a colder climate. Whether you decide to grow your own food or buy it, be sure to choose plants that are native to your area. This will ensure that the plants provide the nutrients your butterflies need while attracting the species you wish to see in your garden.