Herbs Make Scented Living Walls Plants

Did you know that there are many different kinds of herbs? They’re not all green and leafy. Herbs come in a variety of colors, textures and scents. Many gardeners are discovering the beauty and versatility of herb gardens. You can grow herbs as an indoor plant or a living wall by creating your own walls using these plants instead of bricks or stones. These plants not only act as a beautiful backdrop for your home, but also give off wonderful aromas. We have compiled a list of the best herbs for growing in your living wall or garden wall. All of the following herbs are easy to grow and offer something special to any space. Read on to find out more about these useful plants.


Basil is one of the most popular herbs. It’s a tropical plant that makes an excellent addition to any indoor garden. Many gardeners use basil as a culinary herb, but it also makes a beautiful plant that can add a tropical feel to any room. Basil does best in warm, but not overly hot, climates. This means that you can’t place it in direct sunlight. You’ll also want to water it regularly and feed it with a weak fertilizer every few weeks to keep it healthy. Basil can be grown in a pot, hung in a vertical garden, or placed in a living wall. This herb is a great choice for indoor growing since it repels pests like mosquitoes.


Cilantro is a versatile herb that’s often used in Asian, Mexican and Indian cuisines. It’s a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of soil types and climates. Cilantro can be used as both a culinary herb and fragrant bouquet garni. You can use it to add flavor to foods like soups and stews or to make a delicious salsa. Cilantro can also be used to make a fragrant bouquet garni. Cilantro prefers a sunny location, but it can tolerate some shade. It needs regular watering, but it doesn’t like to be overwatered. It’s also important to harvest the leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy. Cilantro can be grown in a pot, hung in a vertical garden, or placed in a living wall. This herb is best suited for an indoor garden since it doesn’t tolerate cold weather well.


Citrus trees are a popular choice for gardens and living walls. They come in a wide variety of colors, scents, and textures. Some citrus trees produce flowers that smell amazing, while others produce fruit that tastes delicious. Citrus trees need full sun and a lot of water. They’re relatively easy to care for, but they can be messy. Citrus leaves and fruit can be messy and be hard to clean up. Citrus trees are relatively easy to grow indoors. They do best when they’re placed in a pot that’s wide enough to accommodate the roots. Many citrus trees come grafted, which means that the roots are attached to the trunk of the tree. Be sure to pick a pot that is wide enough to fit the tree.


Chamomile is an aromatic flowering herb that’s often used in teas. It produces small white flowers that smell amazing. This herb is best suited for an indoor garden since it can’t tolerate too much cold. Chamomile needs a lot of sunlight to thrive. It also prefers a sandy soil that’s low in nutrients. It’s best to feed this plant with a weak fertilizer every few weeks to prevent it from becoming nutrient-deficient. Chamomile makes a beautiful addition to any indoor garden. It’s best suited for an open-air garden that gets plenty of sunlight. The best time to plant this herb is in the spring.


Chrysanthemums are beautiful flowering herbs that can be used to make beautiful indoor bouquets. These plants come in a wide variety of colors and textures. They’re relatively easy to grow indoors, but they don’t tolerate cold weather well. Chrysanthemums need plenty of sunlight to thrive. They can be planted in pots or in an open-air garden. They also need to be watered regularly and be fed with a weak fertilizer every few weeks. Chrysanthemums also need to be trimmed regularly. You’ll want to remove the flowers as they die to encourage new growth.


Dill is a flowering herb that’s often used to make pickles, but it can also be used in many other dishes. This herb has a peppery flavor that’s both sweet and savory. It’s relatively easy to grow indoors, but it can’t tolerate extreme cold. Dill prefers a sandy soil that’s low in nutrients. It needs to be fed with a weak fertilizer every few weeks to stay healthy. It also needs plenty of sunlight to thrive. Dill can be grown in a pot, hung in a vertical garden, or placed in a living wall. This herb is best suited for an indoor garden since it doesn’t tolerate extreme cold.


Marigolds are beautiful flowering herbs that have strong scents that repel pests. You can use them in your indoor garden or as a living wall. They come in a wide variety of colors, textures, and scents. Marigolds are relatively easy to grow indoors. They need plenty of sunlight and a sandy soil that’s low in nutrients. It’s also important to feed this plant with a weak fertilizer every few weeks to keep it healthy and strong. Marigolds can be grown in a pot, hung in a vertical garden, or placed in a living wall. This herb is best suited for an indoor garden since it doesn’t tolerate cold weather well.


Mint is a tasty herb that can be used to make refreshing drinks, as well as scrubs and soaps. It makes a great addition to any living wall or garden wall since it comes in a wide variety of textures and scents. Mint prefers a sandy soil that’s low in nutrients. It also needs plenty of sunlight to thrive. It’s best to feed this plant with a weak fertilizer every few weeks to keep it healthy. Mint can be grown in a pot, hung in a vertical garden, or placed in a living wall. This herb is best suited for an indoor garden since it doesn’t tolerate cold weather well.


Herbs make great additions to any indoor garden or living wall.