Healthy and Beneficial Plants for Butterflies

Adult butterflies are beautiful and fragile creatures. They are also very picky about the plants they prefer to lay their eggs and caterpillars. It’s not just any plant that attracts butterflies; some of them will prefer wild lupine over clover, for instance. Butterflies are especially fond of plants that provide them with nectar, leaves, and other materials from which they can create their cocoons. Adult butterflies need a source of carotenoids, oils, and other minerals to produce their bright colours and protect themselves from predators. Many plants attract adult butterflies because they provide everything they need to thrive without posing any threat to their survival. Here is a list of beneficial plants for butterflies.

Swordleaf Sedum

Swordleaf sedum is an ornamental flowering plant with long green leaves and small pink flowers, native to the mountains of Mexico. It is both drought and heat-tolerant and can thrive in poor soil. It is a good choice for an indoor butterfly garden because it does not need additional water and it attracts butterflies with its nectar. Adult butterflies use sword leaf sedum as a source of nectar and as a host plant for laying eggs. If you don’t want to attract butterflies to your garden, you can easily prevent it by removing the flowers and weeds. Since sword leaf sedum is a perennial, it will come back year after year. It can easily be transplanted and divided during its dormant season.


The marigold, also known as the “butterfly flower”, is the most popular flower for attracting butterflies. Its bright orange flowers provide essential minerals, oils, and nectar for adult butterflies. Marigolds are easy to grow, tolerate all kinds of weather, and are hard to kill. They are also very cheap, so you can buy a lot of them. The marigold is a flowering plant in the genus Calendula, both cultivated and wild, as well as many close species and hybrids, usually with yellow flowers. It is sometimes known as the “pot marigold”, “honey flower”, “Indian coin”, “kingcup” or “poor man’s saffron”.

Butterfly Weed

Butterfly weed is also known as “Culver’s root” or “spreading dogbane”. It’s a native North American plant that’s easy to grow and a great source of nectar for adult butterflies. Its flowers are yellow with a red centre and they smell like rotting meat, attracting the adult butterflies that feed on nectar. The butterfly weed is a wildflower of North America, a member of the family Asclepiadaceae. It is also known as the cloven root, butterfly weed, swallowweed, or spreading dogbane.

Butterfly Milkweed

Butterfly milkweed is also called swamp silk. It’s a native North American plant that’s easy to grow and a great source of nectar for adult butterflies. The flowers are pink and the leaves are covered in white fuzz. It’s a perennial plant that will attract adult butterflies for years. The butterfly milkweed or swamp silk is a wildflower of North America, a member of the family Asclepiadaceae, with showy pink flowers. It is also known as butterfly weed, common swamp milkweed, swamp silk, or whorled caramel.

Summer Showers

Summer Showers Zinc Mixture is a blend of wildflowers and herbs, many of which are also butterfly plants. It is a quick-growing mixture that will attract butterflies and provide them with all they need to thrive. A butterfly garden filled with Summer Showers Zinc Mixture will look stunning, smell great, and provide food for adult butterflies. The summer shower blend is a mixture of flowers and herbs.


Calendula, also known as “pot marigold” and “Indian corn”, is a common garden plant native to the Mediterranean. It is a quick-growing flowering plant that blooms throughout the entire year. It is a great source of nectar for adult butterflies and is very easy to grow. You can even start growing it indoors. Calendula flowers need very little maintenance and are low-maintenance plants. The pot marigold is a plant in the genus Calendula, often cultivated as an ornamental and also sometimes naturalized as a wildflower.


The cosmos is a flowering plant native to South America. It is also known as “wild zoysia” and “wild cosmos”. It’s a very quick-growing plant that blooms throughout the entire year. The colour of its flowers varies from white to yellow, red, or orange. It’s a great source of nectar for adult butterflies and very easy to grow. You can even start growing it indoors. Cosmos flowers need very little maintenance and are low-maintenance plants. The cosmos is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Asteraceae. There are about 100 species of Cosmos, native to temperate and tropical regions throughout the world.

Desert Marigold

The desert marigold is a flowering plant native to the desert Southwest. It’s a quick-growing plant that blooms throughout the entire year. The flowers of the desert marigold provide nectar for adult butterflies. It grows easily in poor soil and is a low-maintenance plant. You can even start growing it indoors. The desert marigold is a wildflower of the desert Southwest, a member of the family Asteraceae. It is also known as desert gold and Mexican marigold.


The dandelion is a flowering plant native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. It is also known as “piss-off-the-goddess”, “toothache plant”, or “witches wig”. It’s a quick-growing plant that blooms throughout the entire year. Dandelions provide nectar for adult butterflies. It is a very easy plant to grow and needs very little maintenance. You can even start growing it indoors. Dandelions are low-maintenance plants. The dandelion is a common wildflower in temperate regions, native to Eurasia and North America. It is also known as toothed, piss-off-the-Goddess, toothache plant, WITCHES WIG.


The hollyhock is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranean. It’s a quick-growing plant that blooms throughout the entire year. Hollyhocks provide nectar for adult butterflies. It’s a very easy plant to grow and needs very little maintenance. You can even start growing it indoors. Hollyhocks are low-maintenance plants. The hollyhock is a common wildflower in the Mediterranean, Macaronesia and temperate Asia. It is also known as almizcle, broad-leaved almizcle, common almizcle, common hollihock, great hollihock, hairy hollyhock, hollyhock, mazorca, mazorco, mazorgo, mazorquillo, mizcle, mizcle blanco, mizcle de vieja, Spanish mizcle, wild almizcle.

Iron Butterfly Food

Iron Butterfly Food is a mixture of cornmeal and powdered iron. It’s a great source of minerals and vitamins for adult butterflies. You can easily grow corn indoors and get it ready for your outdoor butterfly garden. Corn is one of the easiest plants to grow and can thrive in almost any climate. It provides nectar for adult butterflies, is easy to grow, and is low-maintenance. A grain cultivated primarily for edible kernels of various types.


Adult butterflies are fragile creatures that need specific conditions to thrive. They are also very picky about the plants they prefer to lay their eggs and caterpillars. It’s not just any plant that attracts butterflies; some of them will prefer wild lupine over clover.