Good Gardening Practices Weed and Grass Control is Important

You might think that because weeds are smaller than grass and other plants that they cannot compete for resources. However, if you don’t maintain your lawn or garden regularly, you will see the weeds take over. It’s not just a visual problem either. Weeds grow so quickly because they can produce seeds quicker than grass, making them much more likely to spread and take over your garden or lawn. But thankfully there are plenty of ways you can prevent this from happening and keep things under control. Weed control is a measure used to restrict weed growth in any given area. To have good weed control practices in your gardening area, it is important to know what weeds look like. Also, it is necessary to understand the types of plants that do not allow any other plant to grow around them. That way, before you even plant anything in your yard or garden, you can get rid of the things that will cause problems later on.

Mowing Practices

If you don’t maintain your lawn, weeds will quickly overtake it. Mowing your lawn regularly helps to prevent weeds. Use the correct mower blade setting. The blade should be set high enough to remove the grass to a 2” length. This length encourages deep root growth and helps to prevent weeds. Mow the lawn regularly. This means mowing the lawn twice a week in the growing season. If you mow it less often, the grass will get too long and will create the perfect environment for weeds to grow. Mow the lawn in the least amount of time possible. You might think that mowing the lawn very short will help keep weeds at bay, but it really doesn’t. Mowing the lawn in the shortest amount time possible will actually help reduce the amount of weeds since it will grow the grass more deeply.

Weed Identification

It’s important to know the difference between unwanted plants and desired plants. This way, you can get rid of the weeds before they grow and spread to the point where you can’t remove them. Different weeds are more difficult to get rid of than others, but by knowing what weeds are in your garden, you can more easily treat them. Broadleaf weeds, these weeds take nutrients from the soil and are very difficult to get rid of. They include plants like dandelions, plantain, and clover. Narrowleaf weeds, broadleaf weeds tend to have a broader leaf. Narrowleaf weeds have a thinner leaf like a grass. These weeds are easier to get rid of since they don’t take as many nutrients from the soil. Perennial weeds, these weeds can come back each year, which makes them more difficult to get rid of. They include weeds like bindweed and evening primrose. Annual weeds, these weeds are easy to get rid of because they don’t come back from year to year. They include chickweed, crabgrass, and spurge.

Roundup vs. Roundup Pro

There are a few different versions of Roundup. There is Roundup, Roundup Pro, and Roundup Ready. These three are very similar in composition and intended use. The difference between them is the amount of glyphosate they contain. This version contains 41% glyphosate. Roundup pro, this version contains 27% glyphosate. - Roundup Ready: This version is genetically modified to resist glyphosate. Each version of Roundup is a broadleaf weed killer. It won’t kill grass, which is a narrowleaf plant. So if you are doing some serious weeding, you will need to make sure you know what kind of weeds are growing in your garden, so you can treat them accordingly.

Rotary Mower Practices

You can use your mower to help prevent weeds. Using a mulching mower will help to reduce the amount of weeds in your garden. It does this by chopping the grass clippings and leaves back into a small pieces and creating a mulch. Then the mulch is applied to the soil to help prevent weeds from growing. Set the mower blades high to at least 3 1/2 inches. This will allow you to chop the grass clippings and leaves into small pieces and create a mulch. - If you are using a bagging mower, don’t leave grass clippings on the lawn. This will create an environment that is too wet and boggy and will cause weeds to grow. A mulching mower will help you to prevent weeds and will also feed your lawn with fertilizer.

Herbicides for Weed Control in Lawns

There are many types of herbicides that will help rid your lawn of weeds. They are applied to the soil and absorbed by the weeds. Each herbicide works differently and in different ways, so it might be best to use a combination of products to get the best results. Be sure to follow the application and safety instructions on the herbicide containers. Dicots are broadleaf plants. These plants include things like dandelions, plantain, and clover. Monocots are grasses. They include things like crabgrass, foxtail, and wheatgrass.


Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby and lifestyle, but it will only be successful if you maintain it. Weed and grass control are important. You might think that because weeds are smaller than grass and other plants that they cannot compete for resources. However, if you don’t maintain your lawn or garden regularly, you will see the weeds take over. But thankfully there are plenty of ways you can prevent this from happening and keep things under control.