Attracting and Feeding Butterflies for Your Garden

Do you remember your first encounter with a butterfly? How about seeing a whole garden of them? The sight of these beautiful creatures fluttering around must have been amazing. It might seem like something that only happens in nature documentaries, but rest assured, you can create a butterfly garden right in your backyard. Butterfly gardens are an excellent way to encourage these winged insects to come visit you in your own home. Creating a butterfly garden won't be difficult if you follow the tips we are going to give you below.

What you need to know about Butterfly Gardens

A butterfly garden is created for the sole purpose of attracting butterflies. These gardens are usually planted with specific butterfly-friendly flowers that are attractive to these insects. The process of creating a butterfly garden can be broken down into a few different steps. First, you need to choose the right location for your butterfly garden to maximize its potential. While you can grow a butterfly garden just about anywhere, there are a few specific factors you’ll want to keep in mind. You’ll want to make sure that the area you choose has plenty of sun throughout the day. While some butterflies can thrive in shady conditions, the majority of these insects need direct sunlight to survive and thrive. You’ll also want to make sure that your butterfly garden is close to water. Butterflies need water to survive, and you’ll need to make sure the water source is nearby. You can also use a drip system for watering your plants.

How to Build a Butterfly Garden?

In order to attract butterflies to your garden, you’ll need to provide a source of nectar as well as plenty of places to lay eggs. To do this, you’ll need to plant several flowers that are known to attract butterflies. You’ll also want to include a few host plants so that butterflies can lay their eggs there. Because butterflies like to congregate in large groups, you’ll want to make sure your garden has plenty of room for them to fly around. While butterflies can’t see very well, they can sense light and are attracted to it. You’ll want to make sure your garden has plenty of shade so that the butterflies can rest without being blinded by the sun.

Key Elements for your Butterfly Garden

Some butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of specific plants. If you’re growing a host plant, you’ll need to make sure to provide plenty of room for the butterfly eggs to grow. You’ll also need to make sure that you don’t remove the leaves once the eggs have hatched. What plants that attract butterflies, there are certain types of plants that butterflies are naturally drawn to. Certain plants are known to produce nectar that butterflies use as food. Butterflies need water in order to survive. You can either plant water sources like ponds or puddles in your butterfly garden, or you can use a drip system to water your plants. A butterfly garden should have plenty of shade so that the insects can hide from the sun.

What Flowers do Butterflies Like?

Butterfly bushes are a type of shrub that is known to attract butterflies. These plants are rich in nectar and can be found in a variety of colors. This herb is known to be one of the most popular nectar plants for butterflies. You can either grow the herb in your garden or you can purchase it in the form of dried leaves for ease of use. Butterfly Milkweed: If you’re looking for a plant that is particularly good for Monarch butterflies, you should consider planting milkweed plants in your garden. You can either grow nasturtiums as annuals or perennials. These flowers are very easy to grow, and they’re known to attract a variety of different species of butterflies. Butterfly bush is another popular nectar plant that is known to attract butterflies. Butterfly carpet is actually a type of creeping vine known to attract butterflies.

Tips for attracting more Butterflies

Plant a variety of different flowers: Butterflies are known to be very picky eaters. If you only plant a few species of flowers, you’ll likely only attract a few species of butterflies. If you’re trying to attract certain species of butterflies to your garden, you’ll need to grow the host plants that they lay their eggs on. If you cut all of the flowers growing in your garden before they’ve fully matured, you’ll prevent other insects from benefitting from them. Once the butterflies have hatched, they will need a place to rest. If you cut all of the leaves, they won’t have a safe place to go.


Creating a butterfly garden is a great way to bring some beauty into your backyard. These gardens are also a great way to support biodiversity in your community. If you have children, a butterfly garden is an excellent way for them to learn about the natural world. If you have room in your backyard, it’s a good idea to create a butterfly garden. Just make sure you follow the tips we’ve discussed in this article so that your garden attracts plenty of butterflies. Now that you know what a butterfly garden is and how to create one, you can start on your journey to attract these beautiful insects to your backyard.